Below is one of the best tasting puddings I've put together in a while. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as I did...
To make a banana chocolate crumble, you will need the following:

- 5 small to medium sized bananas
- 100g plain flour
- 80g butter
- 40g cocoa powder
- 25g sugar
- 100g nuts (I used cashew, but macadamia would have been preferable. Brazils would also be a decent substitute)
- 1 pack of chocolate cookies (optional, but I wanted a really sweet, very bad for you, but extra crunchy topping)
The first step was to peel and slice the bananas and pile them into an ovenproof dish. I mixed some sugar - extra to what is listed above - into the bananas to help them caramelise as they cooked.

The real work of the dish comes in preparing the crumble topping (though this is still very easy!).
The crumble topping starts out no different from the usual method, with the butter, sugar, and flour being rubbed together to create a breadcrumb like texture. The only extra at this stage is to include the cocoa powder at 'breadcrumbing' stage.

The 80g of butter specified I found to be not quite enough, so I added a bit more... but maybe too much. The consistency of my topping came out more like a cookie dough (using about 120g butter), though this proved to be very nice once it had baked.
Once the butter, sugar, cocoa powder and flour had combined, I added in the cashew nuts, roughly chopped, and two crushed chocolate cookies.

Taking the finished crumble mixture, I spread it on t
op of the bananas before putting the dish into the oven - preheated to 190

The pudding should stay in the oven for 35 minutes (by this point, the crumble should have browned very nicely and the bananas should be bubbling away under the surface).

Stand the whole thing for five minutes and then serve...

It is particularly sweet and very filling, and I should think would probably be good with custard. I'm sure I'll be making it again once winter starts to draw in - a good, stodgy, warm pudding. So simple - you have to give it a shot...
Coming up:
- No plans... let's just see what happens!
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